Luovi Vocational College
Luovi Vocational College is the largest vocational special needs education and training (VET) provider in Finland.
Luovi Vocational College is the largest vocational special needs education and training (VET) provider in Finland. They provide vocational qualifications, preparatory training for initial VET (VALMA) and also for work and independent living (TELMA). Luovi is spread over 20 locations in Finland.
Luovi has a long experience in internationalisation of VET. They have around 700 staff members and they are part of the Organisation for Respiratory Health in Finland.
Luovi Global Education
Luovi Global Education offers services in special needs education for educational institutions, teachers and other staff working with special need students.
Their services cover counselling, guidance and consultancy as well as diverse training courses. Thir aim is to promote recognition of students’ need for support and to ensure that these are taken into account when planning and implementing studies.
Luovi Educational Visits
Luovi Educational Visits contain lectures, workshops, campus visits and job shadowing. Our services are tailor-made and co-created together with the client. The length of the services vary from one day training to long lasting consultation.
More information
You can find more information about Luovi’s services from Luovi Global Education brochure and on their webpages. Follow Luovi on Facebook and LinkedIn.
CCE Finland Oy
Council for Creative Education - CCE Finland Oy a global organization with the motto of redefining education through creativity.
Council for Creative Education (CCE) Finland is a global organization originating from Tampere, Finland with the motto of redefining education through creativity.
We provide tailor-made teacher training and school development programs from pre-primary to higher education. Our programs are based on research and expertise from Finnish universities and academia.
We provide insights into the Finnish education system through educational tours and student camps by which the participants understand how creativity is blended well within the Finnish classroom and
TARGET MARKETS: India, Taiwan, Middle East, Africa, South America
Products and Services
Development and Consultancy
CCE Box - Finnish Preschool in a Box (TM)
School Development Program
Online Course and Training
Diploma in Early Childhood Education
Program in Pedagogical Leadership: (For Principals)
Finland Education Tours
A dedicated training cum workshop program on Finnish Education Model for International educators who are interested to know the secrets of the Finnish education system.
Following are the 4 themes of education tours which are the most popular:
Finland Education Tour - Comprehensive K-12 Schools
Finnish Early Childhood Education Tour
A 4-day program to understand the Early Childhood Education in Finland and its working with practical examples and workshops by the Finnish and international teachers / Educators.
Finnish Pedagogical Leadership Tour
The program is meant for educational leaders, management, administrators and teachers who are interested to learn about the Finnish Education System with a specialization of applying contemporary leadership skills in the context of education.
Education Technology Tour
The program is meant to understand the importance of ICT as a foundation stone in the context of the Finnish Education system.
Follow us on social media: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter @CCEFinland
Visit our website or contact us through e-mail:
School of Gaming
School of Gaming wants to take Finnish model of "Digital Youth Work" to the world. They use esports and gaming as their tools to teach children and adolescent the important 21st century skills.
Why School of Gaming? We are the coolest school in the world. Kids don't even realise they are taking lessons. We don't want kids to over-perform. They already face too many expectations and demands. We want our gamers to discover the love for learning through doing things they already love.
We are an online school with over 5000 subscribed students, or gamers as we call them. Our teachers, aka. game educators, take the gamers on amazing virtual adventures each week. Our gamers take part in lessons which happen in Minecraft, Roblox, Fortnite or in some other exciting gaming environment. Our game-based learning digital youth work methods help the gamers to learn new skills, master social situations, control their emotions and much more. But even more importantly they will have fun and they will make new friendships as they go.
Contact us if you want us to help your children to find the love for learning:
HOHOT Consulting Oy
Hohot Consulting Oy is engaged in facilitating business collaborations between Finland and Asia. One specialized area is in higher education and adult training programs for Asian students and professionals.
Hohot Consulting Oy is engaged in facilitating business collaborations between Finland and Asia. One specialized area is in higher education and adult training programs for Asian students and professionals. With proven track record of trip management for hundreds of international students and close collaborations with Finnish universities, governmental organizations, industry experts and companies, we offer customized multi-lingual educational travel products combining education and travels among Nordic countries.
We work together with Finnish education institutes and private training organizations to develop and localize training products, particularly for Asian learners. The focused education areas include: Nordic innovation and entrepreneurship, executive educations, teacher training, Nordic welfare system in healthcare, health technology and eSports. Additionally, through our sales network with travel and educational agencies in Asia as well as educational institutes, we also are highly involved in education product sales and marketing activities, as well as collaboration network development.
Visit HoHot web-site and connect them through LinkedIn
Link to HoHot brochure: Adding Chinese flavours to your business
Gamified Educational Virtual Reality applications tailored for your needs.
Gamified Educational web-, mobile, and Virtual Reality applications tailored for your needs. Over 20 industry experts at your service. MeKiwi designs, gamifies, develops, and publishes your Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality apps and web/mobile apps.
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Finpeda Ltd.
Finpeda's mission is to offer you tailor-made solutions for “concept of school” and education system, pedagogy, physical learning environments, and technology definition.
Finpeda is a Finnish company with a strong background in education and learning. Our mission is to offer you tailor-made solutions for “concept of school” and education system, pedagogy, physical learning environments, and technology definition. Finpeda helps you to develop your school to meet the demands of the 21st century!
Finpeda core products are:
Pedagogy Factory: to train teachers from old school culture into the new working culture including teacher in-service training and strategic leadership (vision building)
Architecture New School building: to design school of the Future or transform existing schools towards 21st-century learning and develop FINNS education brand.
3D-Technology: to develop multiuser browser-based virtual 3D-learning and training environment Finpeda Virtual Space (FVS) for phenomenon, inquiry and project learning.
Study Tours: to organize Finnish Education Study Tour (FEST). Visit Finland and get familiar with Finnish education system!
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Solved is a cleantech advisory service and collaboration platform. It tackles the world's sustainability challenges in an amazing way and lets you easily cooperate with the best cleantech experts.
Solved is a cleantech advisory service and collaboration platform. It tackles the world's sustainability challenges in an amazing way and lets you easily cooperate with the best cleantech experts. Solved brings together the leading experts, environmental challenges and new ways of working in order to co-create appealing solutions.
The company was launched as a Cleantech Finland's online service in 2012 and established as a separate company in May 2013. Solved has offices in Helsinki, Bratislava and Oulu.
Solved's online expert community is expanding rapidly and currently consists of a bright team with up to 3000 experts from 350 organizations in 70 countries. In dozens and dozens of projects, outstanding experts have solved together environmental, energy and industrial challenges and, for instance, cocreated sustainable ski resorts and smart cities. With the help of Solved, you can work anywhere and anytime. Become an expert and get in on the world's most interesting projects – or use Solved as an effective co-creation platform to solve your clients' challenges.
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Finnoschool Ltd.
High-quality inservice training for teachers, schools and administratives both in Finland and abroad
FINNOSCHOOL 365 – certificate. All participants will get Finnoschool365- certificate with personal evaluation.
Finnoschool offers consultacy and inservice training to teachers in early learning to upper secondary school.
Lifelong learning experiences and joyful time at Arctic. We support your professional development and strengthen your skills! We will give the keys for successful process in learning and developing the schools. We provide innovative learning experiences in arctic nature and culture with our partners.
EduTravel365 – packages
Teacher365 – in-service training program for teachers.
Administratives365 – consulting for You and Your team!
Student365 – Camp school packages.
More information
More info from our Finnoschool website
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Twitter: @finnoschool
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Finnish education and learning environment video
NEW VIDEO: Propedagogy - inservice training and high-quality Finnish teachers
Watch more videos on Finnoschool YouTube Channel
Educational and Cultural Services, City of Oulu
City of Oulu and our schools are the innovative forerunner of teaching philosophies in Northern Finland. We work in different levels of education from early childhood to upper secondary and adult education. We have 90 public early childhood education units, 46 comprehensive schools and 11 upper secondary schools.
City of Oulu is a prominent provider of high-quality education in Finland. We work in different levels of education from early childhood to upper secondary and adult education. We have 90 public early childhood education units, 46 comprehensive schools and 11 upper secondary schools.
We offer educational visits and in-service training for teachers, principals and other education professionals. The program can include school visits and visits to other learning environments, expert lectures and workshops and/or job shadowing, not forgetting the time for discussion and reflection.
We organise educational and cultural program for youth visits and camps. The visits can have a theme such as science, culture, art, sustainable development, entrepreneurship and/or English. The pedagogical approach is based on learning by doing and experiential learning. We also offer student groups the experience of studying in an Oulu school for a week or two.
Study the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Oulu. The Diploma Programme meets the needs of highly motivated and ambitious students and is recognized and respected by the world's leading universities. The learning environment is modern and well-equipped. Programme length is 3 academic years: one year of pre-DP and two years of diploma studies.
Develop your education system, pedagogical approaches, or school culture together with the experts from the City of Oulu. City of Oulu's Educational & Cultural Services employ more than 5000 professionals from different areas of education and learning. We offer consultation and expert services on educational development in early childhood education, basic education, general upper secondary education, adult education, and basic education in arts.
Interested in educational visits, degree programme or consultation services?
Finnish Global Education Solutions Ltd provides Finnish education to global markets by combining educational excellence and expertise of our trusted local partners and investors.
FGES (Finnish Global Education Solutions Ldt.) provides Finnish education to global markets by combining Finnish educational excellence and expertise of our trusted local partners and investors.
FGES is a consortium of Finnish companies, institutes, and service providers. With its network of partners, FGES establishes, operates and develops kindergartens and K12 schools with a solid base in principles of Finnish education. FGES’s work includes, for example, pedagogy, teacher training, leadership and architecture and design in a unique combination defined by the needs of our customer.
In November 2020 Finnish Global Education Solutions Ltd. (FGES) has acquired KOULU Group’s business. KOULU’s operations are transferred entirely under FGES.
The work with FGES includes:
• Holistic services for investors looking for investing in quality education
• Turn-key Finnish schools based on the Finnish curriculum adapted to local needs
• Planning, designing and management of school buildings: nurseries, schools, universities, youth centres
• Teacher training and continuous support.
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Buutti Oy
An education and programming company that is dedicated to solve the problem of not having enough good software developers.
Our mission is to inspire more youth into the field of technology
We are an education and programming company that is dedicated to solving the problem of not having enough good software developers. We started to solve this problem by creating a network and education system that systematically encourages more youth to try out programming and electronics as a hobby. We offer young programmers and technology enthusiasts a-free-of-charge place to practice their skills and “coaches” to support them.
We have tested and developed these methods and we are now able to say that they work. We are looking for other locations where we can spread this knowledge and enthusiasm.
Are you a person or institution that wants to help to encourage more people to programming and robotics? We offer training in our methods through franchising, as well as access to all our previous data.
In Buutti Oy’s training, the participants learn by doing. For young people, the training focus on practical and interesting tasks, like LED-programming and laser cutting.
TARGET MARKET(S): Universities, public sector, high schools and other institutes that want to inspire and find more young tech stars
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USBIMED provides training courses, workshops and sparring services for different actors of health technology. mHealth and mobile medical, health and wellness apps is speciality area USBIMED contributes as well.
USBIMED provides training courses, workshops and sparring services for different actors of health technology and digital health (companies, health care units, research projects). Clients benefit from high quality in house medical device regulatory, usability and mobile app related training services. Company promotes also collaboration between clinical environment and industry with training packages. mHealth and mobile medical, health and wellness apps is speciality area USBIMED contributes as well. USBIMED training packages are always based on up-to-date, high level knowledge and are at the core of the issue. Trainers have educators certificate and/or proven track record as highly qualified trainer.
USBIMED has deep knowledge about regulatory requirements (EU, US FDA) relative to medical devices (including software), as well as safety related user interface design and usability requirements. Company contributes to international Health IT standard development including mobile medical, health and wellness app development and evaluation. Company promotes also collaboration between clinical environments and industry.
TARGET MARKET(S): Nordic countries. Germany.
More information about USBIMED
Contact via LinkedIn and Twitter @usbimed
ProEt Oy
ProEt Oy offers consulting and updating education in ethics and customer service.
ProET Ltd. is specialized in ethical questions in Social services and Health Care. We are offering consulting and updating education in ethics and customer service. Especially the ethical questions in the end of life care and palliative care, geriatric, professional's ethical distress, leadership, the ethical atmosphere of the working community, the ethical decision making and customer service.
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Finland Center of International Exchange Oy
Building education platform between China and Finland
FCIE is short for Finland Center of International Exchange Oy. Our service is to provide an international collaboration and communication platform which covers various of aspects such as education, culture, travelling and commercial.
Key facts:
FCIE Founded in 2013
Established in the Capital City of Northern Scandinavia - Oulu.
One of the founders is Matti Vanhanen (Former Finnish Prime Minister)
FCIE is international platform between China and Finland.
FCIE have high-level expert and consultants resources between China and Finland with cooperation experiences
Education Cooperation Project
Building education platform between China and Finland
Match-making of sister schools in all education levels
Building teacher training bases in Nordic area
Promotion the education activities of teachers and students
Holding international education conferences and seminars
Building Chinese-Finnish International schools in all education levels
Promoting the exchange of education research between Finland and
Values & Mission
Innovate & Create
Connect & Share
Train & Customize
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Ros Cooper
Workshops focus on one or more themes, for example, Teaching English, Education for Sustainable Development, and Transforming Education.
Professional development workshops for teachers, head teachers, and educational administrators, planned and facilitated by a team of content specialists based on participants’ specific requirements. Our pedagogical approach emphasises active participation and collaboration, leading to post-workshop actions.
Workshops focus on one or more themes, for example Teaching English, Education for Sustainable Development, and Transforming Education.
Welcome to Oulu, Finland!
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Mikko Ahokas Consulting Oy
Mikko Ahokas Consulting can find you the best experts to collaborate with from their large experts' network
Waste, bio-energy, bio-economy, recycling and circular economy related consulting services.
Mikko Ahokas Consulting Oy can find you the best experts to collaborate with from their large experts' network. Their goal is to provide the most cost-effective solutions designed to boost your project or business ideas for both small or large organizations.
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Green Company Effect
Changing attitudes towards a more sustainable future starts from children - thereby GCE wants to be active with school children and students in offering the service, in educating and in promoting sustainable business models and technologies to them.
Changing attitudes towards a more sustainable future starts from children - thereby GCE wants to be active with school children and students in offering the service, in educating and in promoting sustainable business models and technologies to them.
Green Company Effect, GCE, is a social media platform concentrating on sustainability. It is meant for all types of companies - not only cleantech or social enterprises, but all companies having sustainability as a value, and even cities and organizations, big or small, globally.
More information
VIsit GCE’s website
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Follow on Twitter: @GCEffect
Health Innovation Academy Oy
Health Innovation Academy produces training and coaching modules and courses in the field of social and healthcare innovations. Their courses are energetic, interactive and empowering.
We help health care and social care managers, professionals and educators improve their customer journey with digitalisation.
We offer:
keynote lectures
online courses
webinars and
facilitation services.
Our main topics are:
customer/patient centric development
building a culture of experimentation