Finpeda is a Finnish company with a strong background in education and learning. Our mission is to offer you tailor-made solutions for “concept of school” and education system, pedagogy, physical learning environments, and technology definition. Finpeda helps you to develop your school to meet the demands of the 21st century!

Finpeda core products are:

Pedagogy Factory: to train teachers from old school culture into the new working culture including teacher in-service training and strategic leadership (vision building)

Architecture New School building: to design school of the Future or transform existing schools towards 21st-century learning and develop FINNS education brand.

3D-Technology: to develop multiuser browser-based virtual 3D-learning and training environment Finpeda Virtual Space (FVS) for phenomenon, inquiry and project learning.

Study Tours: to organize Finnish Education Study Tour (FEST). Visit Finland and get familiar with Finnish education system!

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MoovKids Oy


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