Development and cooperation
How to find cooperation and funding opportunities in global development networks and co-create digital education products?
Explore our resources to find opportunities for cooperation, funding, and co-creating digital education products and services. Here you can find our publications, podcasts and other materials and guidelines for education development.
Guidelines for education experts
On this page you can explore guidelines for finding cooperation and funding opportunities in international development projects.
These guidelines are based on the expertise collected by the ScalED project. You can download the accessible pdf file to your computer.
Explore more detailed version of our guidelines.
Ten lessons for co-creating digital education products and services for developing markets
You can download the accessible PDF to your computer.
PDF in Finnish: 10 oppia digitaalisten koulutustuotteiden yhteiskehittämisestä kehittyville markkinoille.
Publications in Finnish
Koulutusosaaminen vientituotteiksi – tavoitteena skaalautuvat koulutusratkaisut ja kansainväliset kehitysrahoitusprojektit
Anna-Kaisa Airaksinen: Promoting the global sales of educational products from Northern Ostrobothnia: ScalED-project https://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/788030
ProLearn Podcast: Inclusion and digitalisation in developing education globally
Youtube https://youtu.be/jZOlMsJmt7o
ProLearn Podcast: ScalED-hanke ja kehitysyhteistyö koulutustoiminnan näkökulmasta (in Finnish)
Youtube: https://youtu.be/HwG00_TxV_8