Co-creating education solutions
Co-creation of new innovations to education needs requires global teamwork. We took this challenge and initiated 10 new service ideas. Three of these ideas were developed into service concepts and proceeded in field tests in the global markets.
One of the main goals of the ScalED project was to develop scalable digital education solutions for the global market. The idea was to involve different organisations in co-creating solutions. Our aim has been to contribute to the global and deepening challenges of education. The task did not lack ambition but the team took the challenge.
The process taught us many things. Co-creation requires a clear common goal and good planning, lots of time and patience. It is important to stay focused, have good communication with your local and global partners and work hard to get to the international markets with products and services for which the demand is real.
We initiated with 10 ideas and as a result we ended up developing three education solutions in different topical themes.
Co-creation concept, case 1.
Digital learning support program for special needs students
Co-creation concept, case 2.
Physical & Health Education Toolkit - A mobile application for teachers and trainers
Co-creation concept, case 3.
Learning through Play - Professional Digital Development Program
We hope these co-creation cases inspire you to connect with other education developers and funding organisations and you find more innovative ways to improve education globally.