Four Ferries Oy
We offer efficient digital tools for learning and teaching mathematics and other STEM subjects. The platform can be used by teachers, students, tutors, education authorities, and all other parties interested in new computer-based approaches to teaching.
4ferries is founded by STEM teachers, with the mission to improve math education. We provide you with tools for learning and teaching mathematics effectively.
We believe strongly that students need to understand the rules they use in mathematics. In the future more and more of the calculations will be automated, but the need for understanding the rules behind it will never disappear.
Also, we know that math is interesting and engaging, as long as we understand it. What we see in schools today is a broken feedback loop, which is preventing students from understanding what they are doing, and as a result, losing interest in Math.
That is why we have designed tools to fix that broken feedback loop and keep that love for math that all first graders have going, all through life.
For distance learning we have created a solution called eMath Studio. Calculate math, get immediate feedback and share work from home.
eMath Studio brings you digital math notebooks and an automatic checker that checks every step in the calculation.
eMath Studio brings you digital math notebooks and an automatic checker that checks every step in the calculation. The checker gives students, from middle school to university, immediate feedback on their own solutions, and teachers a way to grade assignments or tests in seconds.
We also offer teacher education, where teachers can refresh their memory on the logic behind specific math theory and learn an effective method to structure math problems.
Solopreneur Academy by Opineo Oy
Solopreneur Academy is a training concept for solopreneurs. The main focus is to make businesses to grow via networking. It is a degree-based program with the qualification of entrepreneurship.
Solopreneur Academy is a training concept for solopreneurs. It is a degree-based program with the qualification of entrepreneurship. The main focus is to make businesses grow via networking and collaborative learning and sharing knowledge.
The goal of the academy for solopreneurs is to promote networking among entrepreneurs and strengthen entrepreneurial business expertise, thus contributing to stability and growth both within companies and regionally. The Solopreneur Academy offers practical expertise in Finland and internationally.
Opineo Oy is an education company whose main product is the Solopreneur Academy. Academy is run by a network of vocational institutes, the federation of Finnish entrepreneurs, organizations and experts in business fields.
Ms.Petra Pulkkinen, Producer
+ 358 50 535 2776
More infromation about Solopreneur Academy. Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIN
University of Oulu
The University of Oulu collaborates in many ways with various partners to meet the changing demands of information and work life, and to promote well-being and competitiveness in society. Operating in the international science network is the basis of the renewal of the University.
At the University of Oulu we conduct multidisciplinary research and education in the following fields: Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Biosciences, Medicine and Health, Economics and Business Administration, Engineering and Architecture, Information and Communication Technologies, Education and Humanities.
Global education services
We offer following global education services:
Commissioned Programmes
University of Oulu have more than 20 international degree programmes. These programmes offer a unique opportunity to study a full degree or part of a degree. Our strength is based on the know-how and expertise of our multidisciplinary university. Ordering commissioned degree programmes is a flexible way of getting targeted research-based competence and a certificate.
Tailored Education Services
Let us tailor a training based on your needs. Our wide range of disciplines offers you limitless possibilities to develop your expertise. We can implement a course either in Oulu, Finland, flexibly on-line or at the convenience of your home environment. Together we can plan how to best support your professional competence.
Consultation and Expert Services
There are nearly 3000 professionals at the University of Oulu! Whether you need help in developing your personal competence, degree programmes, your organization or the education system of your country, we are at your service. Together we can find a solution!
Deep Dive into Finnish Education
Come and experience the Finnish way of learning and teaching. Be inspired by the variety of pedagogical approaches and learning environments from the early childhood and care to the university level education. Dive your pearl from Finland!
More information
For more information visit our website
Or contact:
Mr. Pekka Eksymä
Solution Designer
Extension School (TOPIK), University of Oulu
tel: +358 294487310
Ms. Anne Virherkari
Education designer, Global Education
Extension School (TOPIK), University of Oulu
tel +358 40 674 4241
Oulu Vocational College Education (OSAO Edu Ltd)
Oulu Vocational College OSAO is a multidisciplinary vocational college, training competent professionals for the labour market.
Oulu Vocational College Education
OSAO Edu Ltd provides on behalf of Oulu Vocational College (OSAO) visit and training packages to individual professionals and groups, who are interested in Finnish vocational education and training. The themes are, for example, operational culture, school management, learning environments, entrepreneurship, English language, work life collaboration and teaching and learning methods.
OSAO Edu Ltd offers also visit and training packages to student groups, who are interested in vocational education, English language and cultural exchanges in Northern Finland.
We can offer tailored visits and training in various fields:
Culture Business and Administration,
Social Services Health and Sports
Technology, Communication and Transport Sector,
Tourism, Catering and Domestic Services,
Natural Sciences.
More information
Visit OSAO Edu Ltd web-pages
Follow on Facebook
Mr Antti Rovamo
CEO of OSAO Edu Oy
+358 50 560 8392
Languages: English and Finnish. Chinese/Japanese translators can be provided for an additional fee.
Target groups: Education and Industry Professionals, who are interested in Finnish vocational education and students.
Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (DIAK)
Diak offers a wide range of education-related capacity building services in nursing, social services, sign language, and community interpreting.
Diak is a nationwide university of applied science offering education in the field of:
social sector
health care
diaconal work
Diak has degree programs in four campuses in Finland: Helsinki, Oulu, Pieksämäki and Pori.
In Eastern Finland Diak is building a new and dynamic service model called DiakHub Eastern Finland. We can offer education and research and development services where needed.
More information
Visit our website
Follow us on Facebook and Linkedin
Follow us on Twitter @DiakAmk
Follow us on Instagram @diakamk
Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oulu UAS)
You can study in the fields of Business, Engineering, Health and Social Care, Information and Communication Technology, Media and Performing Arts or Natural Resources.
IN OUAS are two Degrees in English: Bachelor´s level in the fields of Business and Technology.
Oulu University of Applied Sciences, we combine a multidisciplinary approach to education with research and development. Our programs are up-to-date and relevant, covering fields from social work to engineering, business studies to teacher training. Our international partnerships provide opportunities for cooperation and development projects. We believe in creating innovative and effective education through collaboration and knowledge-sharing.
Degree programmes at OAMK – Oulu University of Applied Sciences:
Cooperation and Joint Project Opportunities in Teacher Training:
More information
Luovi Vocational College
Luovi Vocational College is the largest vocational special needs education and training (VET) provider in Finland.
Luovi Vocational College is the largest vocational special needs education and training (VET) provider in Finland. They provide vocational qualifications, preparatory training for initial VET (VALMA) and also for work and independent living (TELMA). Luovi is spread over 20 locations in Finland.
Luovi has a long experience in internationalisation of VET. They have around 700 staff members and they are part of the Organisation for Respiratory Health in Finland.
Luovi Global Education
Luovi Global Education offers services in special needs education for educational institutions, teachers and other staff working with special need students.
Their services cover counselling, guidance and consultancy as well as diverse training courses. Thir aim is to promote recognition of students’ need for support and to ensure that these are taken into account when planning and implementing studies.
Luovi Educational Visits
Luovi Educational Visits contain lectures, workshops, campus visits and job shadowing. Our services are tailor-made and co-created together with the client. The length of the services vary from one day training to long lasting consultation.
More information
You can find more information about Luovi’s services from Luovi Global Education brochure and on their webpages. Follow Luovi on Facebook and LinkedIn.
CCE Finland Oy
Council for Creative Education - CCE Finland Oy a global organization with the motto of redefining education through creativity.
Council for Creative Education (CCE) Finland is a global organization originating from Tampere, Finland with the motto of redefining education through creativity.
We provide tailor-made teacher training and school development programs from pre-primary to higher education. Our programs are based on research and expertise from Finnish universities and academia.
We provide insights into the Finnish education system through educational tours and student camps by which the participants understand how creativity is blended well within the Finnish classroom and
TARGET MARKETS: India, Taiwan, Middle East, Africa, South America
Products and Services
Development and Consultancy
CCE Box - Finnish Preschool in a Box (TM)
School Development Program
Online Course and Training
Diploma in Early Childhood Education
Program in Pedagogical Leadership: (For Principals)
Finland Education Tours
A dedicated training cum workshop program on Finnish Education Model for International educators who are interested to know the secrets of the Finnish education system.
Following are the 4 themes of education tours which are the most popular:
Finland Education Tour - Comprehensive K-12 Schools
Finnish Early Childhood Education Tour
A 4-day program to understand the Early Childhood Education in Finland and its working with practical examples and workshops by the Finnish and international teachers / Educators.
Finnish Pedagogical Leadership Tour
The program is meant for educational leaders, management, administrators and teachers who are interested to learn about the Finnish Education System with a specialization of applying contemporary leadership skills in the context of education.
Education Technology Tour
The program is meant to understand the importance of ICT as a foundation stone in the context of the Finnish Education system.
Follow us on social media: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter @CCEFinland
Visit our website or contact us through e-mail:
School of Gaming
School of Gaming wants to take Finnish model of "Digital Youth Work" to the world. They use esports and gaming as their tools to teach children and adolescent the important 21st century skills.
Why School of Gaming? We are the coolest school in the world. Kids don't even realise they are taking lessons. We don't want kids to over-perform. They already face too many expectations and demands. We want our gamers to discover the love for learning through doing things they already love.
We are an online school with over 5000 subscribed students, or gamers as we call them. Our teachers, aka. game educators, take the gamers on amazing virtual adventures each week. Our gamers take part in lessons which happen in Minecraft, Roblox, Fortnite or in some other exciting gaming environment. Our game-based learning digital youth work methods help the gamers to learn new skills, master social situations, control their emotions and much more. But even more importantly they will have fun and they will make new friendships as they go.
Contact us if you want us to help your children to find the love for learning:
ProEt Oy
ProEt Oy offers consulting and updating education in ethics and customer service.
ProET Ltd. is specialized in ethical questions in Social services and Health Care. We are offering consulting and updating education in ethics and customer service. Especially the ethical questions in the end of life care and palliative care, geriatric, professional's ethical distress, leadership, the ethical atmosphere of the working community, the ethical decision making and customer service.
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Opintiet Oy Education Finland
Opintiet Oy Education Finland arranges tailored practical academical intensive courses throughout the year as well as outdoor education and camp schools in Finland
Opintiet Oy Education Finland arranges tailored practical academical intensive courses throughout the year as well as outdoor education and camp schools in Finland
Opintiet Education Finland and Mr. Tapani Kaartinen (Doctor of Education) arrange camp schools and intensive courses in Finland
Opintiet Oy Education Finland is a Finnish teacher training company founded by Tapani Kaartinen in 1995. Our core expertise is teacher training and we specialize in arranging field trips to the Finnish Archipelago, Lappland and Lake District in Finland. We arrange tailored practical and academical intensive courses throughout the year as well as outdoor education and camp schools for groups in Finland, Scandinavia and Estonia. In our academic and pedagogical courses, we combine practise and theory according to the Finnish curricula. We arrange courses for school levels: pre-school, elementary school, high school, vocational training, and university. Our team of educators consists of Finnish teacher training specialists, teachers and professors.
Our methods are based on our scientific research concerning learning and learning results in Finland. We highlight individuals` social self-regulation and motivation in the learning processes of groups and individuals. We believe that approaching students as individuals is the foundation for a good learning and educational system. Motivating is an important part of a teacher’s work.
Mr. Tapani Kaartinen (Class Teacher 1980, Subject Teacher 1980, Doctor of Education 2005) has worked for 32 years as a lecturer in The University Practise School of Tampere (1984-2016). Tapani has worked as a teacher in Sweden (1980-1982) and Kempele, Finland (1982-1984) and have observed teaching and students studying in USA, Great Britain, China, Syria, German and Italy.
In our research and in our work as teacher educators, we have noticed that children and young people are very similar in different countries and cultures – what varies is the teaching in its dimensions of student-centered and teacher-centered methods. In teaching it is important to understand both the inductive and the deductive approach, but in the individual learning process of adults, children and groups alike, ”learning by doing” (Dewey, Kaartinen 2005) is the core. Our view is that meaningful doing generates success in studies. The meaningful doing itself and the motivation it creates strengthen the quality of learning.
After 1995 Mr. Kaartinen has arranged camp schools for over 300 groups in Finland. Our goal setting, experience and professionalism at Opintiet Education Finland ensure that studying and everything, that is done in our courses, is done with joy and meaning and in a secure manner. We do not take risks in our practise.
In our summer courses, we present the Finnish culture and ways of living. We spend a lot of time in the Finnish nature, for example following and studying birds. We provide opportunities to build bird buds and set them up in the forest for birds to nest.
We go fishing and prepare delicious meals out of the fish we catch. We pick fresh and organic wild berries and use them to bake traditional Finnish treats such as blueberry pies. We learn how to prepare firewood and make a campfire. Together we enjoy the warmth of the campfire in a cozy atmosphere by the lakeside.
We can attend concerts, visit museums and experience parks. We can climb, row and arrange summer dance practices in the Finnish nature.
Welcome all groups and families to our summer courses in 2023–2025 – take part in our everyday life and experience the rich culture, the lush nature and the welcoming people that make Finland.
Please request an offer for a tailored summer camp or training in Finland.
More information
Opintiet Oy Education Finland arranges tailored practical academical intensive courses throughout the year as well as outdoor education and camp schools in Finland. Visit our website.
We are confident that every day, together with your friends, is fun in a Finnish school, but a camp school at the beginning or end of the academic year is an excellent motivator for goal-oriented learning. It is now a great time to book camp school in the Archipelago, Lake Finland or Lapland.
Welcome groups all over the World to our camp schools in Finland, Sweden and Estonia!
+358 40 077 1222