Finland Center of International Exchange Oy
FCIE is short for Finland Center of International Exchange Oy. Our service is to provide an international collaboration and communication platform which covers various of aspects such as education, culture, travelling and commercial.
Key facts:
FCIE Founded in 2013
Established in the Capital City of Northern Scandinavia - Oulu.
One of the founders is Matti Vanhanen (Former Finnish Prime Minister)
FCIE is international platform between China and Finland.
FCIE have high-level expert and consultants resources between China and Finland with cooperation experiences
Education Cooperation Project
Building education platform between China and Finland
Match-making of sister schools in all education levels
Building teacher training bases in Nordic area
Promotion the education activities of teachers and students
Holding international education conferences and seminars
Building Chinese-Finnish International schools in all education levels
Promoting the exchange of education research between Finland and
Values & Mission
Innovate & Create
Connect & Share
Train & Customize