Four Ferries Oy
We offer efficient digital tools for learning and teaching mathematics and other STEM subjects. The platform can be used by teachers, students, tutors, education authorities, and all other parties interested in new computer-based approaches to teaching.
4ferries is founded by STEM teachers, with the mission to improve math education. We provide you with tools for learning and teaching mathematics effectively.
We believe strongly that students need to understand the rules they use in mathematics. In the future more and more of the calculations will be automated, but the need for understanding the rules behind it will never disappear.
Also, we know that math is interesting and engaging, as long as we understand it. What we see in schools today is a broken feedback loop, which is preventing students from understanding what they are doing, and as a result, losing interest in Math.
That is why we have designed tools to fix that broken feedback loop and keep that love for math that all first graders have going, all through life.
For distance learning we have created a solution called eMath Studio. Calculate math, get immediate feedback and share work from home.
eMath Studio brings you digital math notebooks and an automatic checker that checks every step in the calculation.
eMath Studio brings you digital math notebooks and an automatic checker that checks every step in the calculation. The checker gives students, from middle school to university, immediate feedback on their own solutions, and teachers a way to grade assignments or tests in seconds.
We also offer teacher education, where teachers can refresh their memory on the logic behind specific math theory and learn an effective method to structure math problems.
Psyon Games
Psyon Games combines science and games in a unique and creative way. Our design method explains complex topics of modern medicine in an easy and inspiring fashion, regardless of the player’s background.
Psyon Games combines science and games in a unique and creative way. Our design method explains complex topics of modern medicine in an easy and inspiring fashion, regardless of the player’s background. We create learning experiences for mobile devices with measurably superior engagement compared to traditional channels.
Antidote is our first production in the series of science entertainment games. Antidote offers a deep understanding of immunology. It engages the player to control the human body’s defence system against bacteria and viruses. Players will understand the role of white cells, stem cells, and vaccines in the fight against pneumonia, super bacteria and more in a gamified and memorable environment.
Antidote is 5 star rated in the Educational App Store. The game is suitable from 13+ ages. World famous Finnish education, we are KOKOA certified and Antidote is perfect for the classroom with TeacherGaming Desk. Read more about the Antidote game.
Antidote won the Applied Game of the Year Award 2018 by the Finnish game industry and was featured by The World Health Organization (WHO)
We are looking for to co-operation with global pharma companies & public and private health information programs .
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KeepLoop Oy
Turn an ordinary mobile phone or tablet into an instant microscope by attaching a thin, magnetic microscope module in front of the camera’s normal lens. KeepLoop is very light and fits easily in your pocket. No apps needed. KeepLoop can be attached from one device to another in just a few seconds.
KeepLoop turns your mobile device into a microscope.
KeepLoop is an add-on optics that changes your mobile devices to work as microscopes. You can share your microscopic photos and videos easily in social media. KeepLoop is used at schools for biology, chemistry and even arts, as one teacher of visual arts tells:
“The pupils are used to taking ordinary mobile phone photos but with KeepLoop a new and inspiring world has opened up for them. Microscopic images have been taken of anything, like plants, stones, textiles, hair and snowflakes. Some images are further processed by image processing software but some images are already so beautiful, colourful and sharp that they are ready to be printed on photo paper”.
Founded in 2011, KeepLoop Oy is a young innovative Finnish company that commercializes VTT's invention of mobile optics. We are in the business of developing optical solutions for mobile devices like mobile phones and tablets. Our vision is “to encourage investigations of micro-worlds”. We seek ways to blend optics, mobile technologies, software and cloud services. Company core strengths are: i) expertise in optics design for high throughput injection moulding production, ii) experience in managing production logistics and webstore and iii) new application innovations in microscopic for mobile devices.